

Waitlisting is an upgrade to 的地方 that will allow you to electronically “wait in line” for the next available seat within a class. 当有空缺时, the next student on the waitlist will be sent an email to their JC学生邮件 notifying them of their “Permission to Register Status.” This process will eliminate the need to constantly check back to see if the section you desire is open.


要将自己添加到在线等候名单中,请登录 的地方 并遵循在线注册流程. 点击“Go to Plan” & 时间表.’ On the left- hand side underneath the 时间表 tab should be a list of your approved courses in the appropriate term. 点击蓝色按钮,上面写着, ‘Waitlist’ to add yourself to the waitlist for the particular course section that is full.

参观JC中心校区的学生服务中心, Jc @ lisd tech或Clyde LeTarte Center in 希尔斯代尔 for help processing online registration. 工作人员将帮助您进入 的地方 带你完成网上注册流程.


您可以使用的地方在线管理您的候补课程. 在的地方中,转到“学生计划”和“计划” & 时间表.在时间表选项卡下, will be a list of your approved courses including the course that you have waitlisted for. Should you decide that you would like to be removed from the waitlist for your specific course section, 点击蓝色按钮, 放的候补名单.这将把你从候补名单上除名.

Being Registered by Waitlisting: Because some registered students fail to pay their bill, 职位空缺通常在第一次付款截止日期后才会出现. 您将通过您的 JC学生邮件 that you have received permission to register for your waitlisted course if a seat were to become available.

How will I know when I can register for a course section that I have joined the waitlist for?

当等候区有空位时, 我们将向该部分的第一个等待名单上的学生发送电子邮件. 请务必检查您的 JC学生邮件 定期. The College is not responsible for full email inboxes or other similar problems that could affect the receipt of the email message.

如果你在同一门课程不同部分的多个候补名单上, 一旦你注册了一个部分,你就会被从候补名单中删除.


Once notification of permission to register has been received in your JC学生邮件 account, it is the student’s responsibility to login to their 的地方 account and click the ‘Register’ button underneath the waitlisted course. Note: Upon notification, the student has 24 hours to register themselves for the course. If the 24 hour time period has passed and the student has not registered for the course, the opportunity to register has expired and the student will have to join  the waitlist again for the course and begin the process again.


Students adding themselves to a waitlist understand that placement on the waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the course or section. It is understood that students will not be moved from the waitlist to the class roster automatically. Students are responsible for checking their 杰克逊的大学 Student Email account daily to see if permission to register in their waitlisted course(s) has been granted. 如果学生选择一次注册获得许可, arrangements to pay tuition and fees associated with the course(s) must be made prior to the published payment deadline.

It is also understood that if any changes to the student schedule are made that create a time conflict or an overload in credits, students will not be able to register themselves in the waitlisted course(s) if granted permission to register.



A waitlist is an electronic list that is attached to a course section for students who want to enroll in a closed section should a spot open up.


No. Sections that are offered through our (MCCVLC) Michigan Colleges Online or our Continuing Education/Lifetime Learning will not utilize waitlisting.

Can I be enrolled/registered in a section and then add myself to the waitlist for another section?

是的, 但如果你决定报名参加之前的等候名单部分, 你要对掉第一个负责. 否则,您将注册/支付同一课程的两个部分. 示例:Jet Jackson是MTH-133的学生,每周一/周三上午9点上课.m.我很喜欢星期二晚上的报纸. 他在周二晚上的等候名单上,并获得了一个名额. 如果他注册并付了周二晚上的费用, 他也必须从他不再想要的周一/周三部分退出. 这不会自动发生.


Overloads will only be honored once the semester begins and waitlists have been closed for the semester.书面同意必须提交给JC中心校区的学生服务中心, Jc @ lisd tech或Clyde LeTarte Center, 希尔斯代尔. 如果你的导师通过电子邮件发出同意, 请打印出显示发送地址的电子邮件并随身携带.


No, only students who have registered/enrolled and paid for sections are allowed to attend.


当这部分有空位的时候, 我们将向该部分的第一个等待名单上的学生发送电子邮件. 请务必定期查看您的全球网络赌博平台电子邮件. The College is not responsible for full mailboxes or other similar problems that could affect the receipt of the email message.

如果你在同一门课程的多个候补名单上, 一旦你注册了一个部分,你就会被从候补名单中删除.



您的注册许可将在通知电子邮件中显示的日期到期. 然后将注册许可授予候补名单上的下一个学生.


If there is an opening in the section, and no waitlist exists, you may register for the section. 如果这部分被填满了,你可以把自己放在等候名单上.

What happens to my waitlisted sections if I am dropped from my registered sections for non-payment?

Students who are dropped from sections for non-payment will only be removed from sections for which they have registered. 如果您因未付款而被退学,课程现已关闭, 你必须把自己列在等候名单上. 您将继续等待您已列入候补名单的部分.

如果课程的新部分被打开, 在其他完整部分的等待名单上的学生会被自动通知吗?

是的. An email will go out to students who are currently on a waitlist for a section of the new course being offered. 新部门将第一次招人, first served basis and this notification does not guarantee you a seat in any section.


No. 目前,双注册学生不能被添加到任何课程的候补名单中.